Your Donations Go Directly To Our Birds
The RARE Group is run solely by volunteers, this means that 100% of your funds goes directly towards the birds that we care for, maintaining our clinic and enclosures, and caring for our Education Ambassadors.
Our financial needs fall roughly into these categories:
- Office Supplies & Services
- Medical supplies & Veterinary Care
- Food for our patients & Educational Ambassadors
We operate on a lean budget. If you have any questions about where your donation might go, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 319-248-9770 or by email. Office Supplies and Clinic Upkeep
Operating a wildlife rehabilitation clinic and non-profit is no easy task, but we do it because we know there is a need and all of our volunteers truly love what they do. basic supplies like paper, pens, printer ink, etc. add up quickly. In addition to these supplies we also pay for web hosting, telephone services, internet, postage and more. This also includes the transportation of rescue birds to our clinic and to our flight enclosures. Supporting RARE means making sure that our organization is able to run smoothly and take care of as many birds as possible.
Medical Supplies & Veterinary Care
More than 90% of the birds to pass through our doors are in critical condition and will require some amount of medication as well as fluids upon admission. They will continue to be medicated throuhgout their stay with us based off of the injuries or illnesses found. Medicines like anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, lead testing equipment and supplies for blood and fecal tests, are among many medical supplies that we use daily and which are costly.
In addition to the medications used to treat our patients many of them require diagnostic x-rays and sometimes even undergo surgery. Your donations ensure that we can continue to give the best possible care to all birds that come into our clinic.
Cost Of Food For Our Patients
Our clinic operates 365 days a year by a dedicated group of volunteers. Each bird in our care is cared for and fed on a daily basis. These costs add up quickly.
We order the mice, rats, quail, and other food items for the raptors from special suppliers. If you are curious to know how much of our funds go solely to providing food for our birds here is a rough estimate of the costs to feed the various species that we care for:
- $7 a week feeds a kestrel or a small owl
- $20 a week feeds a large hawk or owl
- $30 a week feeds an eagle or vulture